Elders and Sisters, as missionaries in the Personal Storehouse Project we have the responsibility to minister to the needs of others.  We will be focused much of the time on helping others realize their dreams.  The experience of ministering to the needs of others is a sacred calling.  The words of the following scripture will help us become more Christ-like in our service:
Moroni 7:44-45
. . . if a man be meek and lowly in heart, and confesses by the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must needs have charity; for if he have not charity he is nothing; . . .
And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

“. . .unless we care for one other—temporally as well as spiritually—we cannot please God, and it is impossible to become a people of Zion.  We could cover the earth with members of the Church, put a meetinghouse on every corner, dot the land with temples, fill the earth with copies of the Book of Mormon, send missionaries to every country, and say millions of prayers. But if we neglect to grasp the core of the gospel message and fail to help those who suffer or turn away those who mourn, and if we do not remember to be charitable, we “are as [waste], which the refiners do cast out.”  To put it simply, having charity and caring for one another is not simply a good idea. It is not simply one more item in a seemingly infinite list of things we ought to consider doing. It is at the core of the gospel—an indispensable, essential, foundational element. Without this transformational work of caring for our fellowmen, the Church is but a facade of the organization God intends for His people.”  President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Things to do during your first month as a Church Service Missionary with the Personal Storehouse Project

1.  Begin reading "Bridges Out of Poverty" (Chapters 1-4, 8, 10, and 11)

2.  Watch the video: “Reporting” on your DVD of training materials; then get acquainted with the website. Login with your lds account.  Let the leadership know if you have a problem with anything related to the site.

3.  Check out the 2 Personal Storehouse project blogs and be sure you know how to navigate each blog to find the Community Resources and the Mentoring Resources.

4.  Watch the videos: Driven in Detroit: Bridges to Self-Reliance on the Mormon Channel

5.    Watch the video: My Mentors by Lou Ann Rogers - also on the DVD in your training packet.  This is a Mentoring Video from Inner City Project - watch and define what principles of mentoring are demonstrated in the video -  At what point did this young woman gain a vision for her life?  What did the mentors do to get her to that point?

6.    If you are replacing another mentor in your church unit, please meet with them and get updated on what they have been doing. 

7.    Read “The Pattern” by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. It is in your binder or you can access it here.

8.   Get the following materials from the PSP leadership or from mentors if you are you are replacing someone.  Let us know if anything is missing and we'll get those items for you.

·                              Bridges Out of Poverty Book
·                              PSP wooden “Box” with assorted squares (one per ward or branch)
·                              Laminated Plan of Salvation Chart
·                              My Foundation Booklet
·                              PSP Training Materials Binder

      9.  The following chart is a visual description of the mentoring process.  It will serve as a guide to help you as you study each of the mentor training lessons.  Central to the chart is the yellow-starred area - Teach Planning Skills and Goal Setting.  Everything on the chart either leads a person to the point of setting a goal or helps them to be successful in achieving that goal.  


    RESOURCES: We provide resources for 3 reasons:

     1.  We give options other than the use of Fast Offerings -  Example: Energy Funds through partnership with St. Vincent de Paul.

     2.  When someone is living in chaos and has basic needs that need to be met.

      From that moment I had a deeper realization that the Church of Christ should be and is interested in the temporal salvation of man. I walked away from the door feeling that that [woman], with … bitterness in [her heart] toward man and God, [was] in no position to receive the message of the gospel. [She was] in need of temporal help. . ."  The Sanctifying Work of Welfare Bishop H. David Burton April 2011 General Conference

     3.  Once a member has a plan to become self-reliant, we want to supply every resource available to help them meet that plan.


    Salvation Army
          Thrift stores (presently used in Bloomfield Hills Stake)

    Gary Burnstein Community Health Clinic (Justin Brox - Troy Ward)
          1.     Medical Clinic
          2.     Dental Clinic

    St. Vincent de Paul
         1.     Dental Clinic (all we need is a request from a bishop or branch president to  make that happen)
        2.     Energy funds through Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP)
        3.     Thrift stores (presently used in Westland Stake)

“You are the hands of the Savior, ministering to God’s children.

You are angels of God to those you serve.

You are examples to your families, to me, and to all the world 
of what a disciple of Christ should do.”     
President Uchtdorf


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